It was the most productive 3 hours of my day! Then my asst woke up, my little cutie pie helper that loves to copy over and over, staple or try to, and and highlight my contact list for the day. And while I love this most of the time because I think he is so funny, but now EVERY time the phone rings he answers it!
Now while the majority of my clients think it is cute they dont think it is so cute when he screams at the top of his lungs because I took the phone away from him.
So I had to take him to lunch, we went and had sushi, you know a public place is always best to fire someone like in the movie Jerry Macguire. We had a good talk, he agreed I rather just play with mommy than work with mommy!
Hey isnt that against child labor laws? Shouldnt he be in China making shoes. LOL. Fun is fun.