Tuesday, October 27, 2009

leftover pasta with meatball soup

Last night I took some rotini pasta, turkey meatballs from Trader joes and a jar of pasta sauce for a quick dinner last night, had a ton of leftovers and made soup with it tonight here is the recipe!

4 cans chicken broth
1 can black beans
1 cup chopped up carrots and onions
leftover meatballs chopped up
leftover pasta
1 scoop MILA for your Omega 3 dose for the day

boil the broth and carrots for 30 minutes add the black beans for 5 minutes, add the meatballs for 10 mins then add leftover pasta, salt and pepper to taste, fantastic!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Are you gaining weight because you're hibernating?

Great article by Doc Gurley

What if the real reason Americans are gaining more and more weight is because we, as mammals, are unintentionally putting ourselves into hibernation mode? That's a theory that's being thrown around. So how does this work?

There are (at least) two common types of fats in our diets - omega-3s and omega-6s. Well, those and what I think of as the Frankenfat, called transfats - those are fats that have been chemically altered to make them less biodegradable (think of them as a sort of burned, charcoaled fat). Omega-3s occur in leafy greens, flax seeds, and fish (among other foods). You can think of omega-3s as "spring" fats. Omega-6s, in contrast, occur mostly in fall-harvested foods - corn oils, grains, soybean and cottonseed oils, among others. Some decent animal research shows that the signal to hibernate in mammals occurs when the diet shifts from mostly omega-3 ("spring") fats to mostly omega-6 ("fall") fats.

Our industrialized human diet has changed dramatically in just a couple of generations. Omega-3s are almost non-existent in the average American diet. We've not only got omega-6s saturating our diet everywhere, 24/7, season after season, but we've also got the technology to dunk anything we want, any time, in a hot vat of omega-6s. If you believe the omega-6 hibernation theory, that means we're giving ourselves a depth-charge signal to hibernate every time we order "fries with that."

What's more, we've changed equally dramatically the way we raise our meat in the same time-frame. Instead of grass-fed meat, we're now gorging our livestock year-round on omega-6 packed grains. That means that, instead of eating the spring lamb or the fatted calf - which were meant to help us survive the last gasps of winter - we're eating, year round, what was supposed to be rare, fall-slaughtered meats. Are we all chowing down all the time on hibernation-signaling omega-6-marbled roasts?

Although it's not part of the original hibernation theory, I would add the potential role of vitamin D. Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, drops as the seasons change. Vitamin D is associated with weight gain, and - independent of weight - also associated with higher blood pressure and diabetes. Our lifestyles also have changed dramatically in the same few generations until almost all of us are now living completely indoors and behind glass. Most of us are now low on vitamin D year-round - and some of us dramatically low, which may be a double-whammy of hibernation signals.

Sheesh - so what's a person to do? Even without hard science to prove the theory, even just as a way of thinking about what we eat, the hibernation-signal theory can be a good motivator to make some positive changes for our health. For many MANY health reasons, it's important to make the shift to more omega-3s. It's time we all treat our body like a valuable car and ask ourselves - have you changed the oil lately? You can think of trans-fats as a kind of gritty, cheap oil that can clog your engine. Omega-6s are like a cleaner oil, but still thick and sluggish. Omega-3s, in contrast, are the premium-grade, light and lubricating stuff - worth the extra money to keep your internal engine running smoothly. Keep in mind, however, that our fish are often contaminated with mercury, so - especially if you're pregnant (or wanting to become pregnant), you want to limit your fish intake.

And, for many MANY other health reasons, it's also important to get your blood vitamin D level checked - and to keep it in the normal range.

Those simple health moves will do your body some good. And I, for one, don't want to hibernate my life away...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Omega-3 Deficiency Causes 96,000 Deaths a Year

Find out why these polyunsaturated fats are so important to your health.

[Read About the Author]
By Carey Rossi
Staff Writer
About the Author
October 14, 2009
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How important is getting enough omega-3 fatty acids? Very, according to a report in the Public Library of Science Medicine Journal. Harvard researchers looked at twelve dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors such as tobacco smoking and high blood pressure and used a mathematical model to determine how many fatalities could have been prevented if people took control of their health. Amazingly, they found that between 72,000 and 96,000 preventable deaths each year due to omega-3 deficiency. (Danaei G et al. PLoS Med. 2009 Apr 28;6(4):e1000058.)

We think we know why. The scientific community continues to find good stuff that omega-3 fatty acids do for our bodies. Just take the following latest findings that have been published:

Omega-3s Decrease Inflammation

Researchers from the Nutrition, Metabolism and Genomics Group at Wageningen University found that after six months of fish oil intervention, healthy elderly subjects had less inflammation markers in their blood. The study is said to be the first to show that DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) can affect gene expression to a more anti-inflammatory status. (Bouwens M. et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90:415-424. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.27680.)

Omega-3s Could Save Your Eyesight

Researchers from the National Eye Institute in Bethesda found that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids could help prevent age-related macular degeneration. Omega-3s were shown to retard the progression of lesions in a mouse model of age-related macular degeneration. The omega-3s were also associated with an improvement in some lesions. (Tuo J. et al., American Journal of Pathology. 175: 799-807, doi:10.2353/ajpath.2009.090089.)

Omega-3s Keep You Thin

New findings reported in the British Journal of Nutrition indicate that overweight and obese people have blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids almost one percent lower than people with a healthy weight. (Micallef M., et al. British Journal of Nutrition. Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1017/S0007114509382173.)

The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: Why become a statistic? Take supplemental omega-3s to keep you living a long and healthy life. In addition to the research presented here, scientists have found that omega-3s also have brain and heart benefits. To make sure that you’re reaping their rewards, take at least 500 - 800 mg of omega-3s daily.

I thought this article was really interesting and she referenced where she gathered her info. As always, take a look at MILA, the best Omega 3's from a plant source, no fish oil no flax seed, sugar and gluten free. Amazing product, you can find out more info at www.lifemaxtammy.com or www.whatiflifemax.com Enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thanks for the support on my daughter

How time flies when you are having fun and/or dealing with a child who has an accident. It is amazing how fast a week can go by when your life is turned upside down. Many of you know that my daughter had an accident at work and broke her jaw in two places. She works at at an ice cream parlour ( I know!) and got hit in the face with a spring loaded handle the size of a baseball bat on a walk in freezer. I tell you that is not a call that you want to get at midnight on Friday night nor do you want to spend Friday night at the emergency room, we were the last ones to leave at 5am. She had surgery 4 days later and had two plates put on each side of her jaw and her mouth wired shut well almost she can open it about an inch. She has 6 weeks of this and then a whole year until her jaw is fully recovered. The first 48 hours after surgery were horrible for her and for me, it was like having a newborn baby, every 3 hours she needed to be fed something so she could take the pain medication. She is doing much better a week later and got to drive for the first time in over a week so she is happy.

On a happy note Lifemax is going well and we are in the home stretch for our big convention coming up in November. You may want to check out our new site www.whatiflifemax.com that explains more in detail about the Lifemax product Mila which has the highest form of Omega 3's from a plant source. Because the product is tasteless and orderless it makes a great alternative to fish oil and/or flax seed. Also helps reduce inflammation which was a big help in getting my daughters face back to normal.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How 4000 followers on Twitter landed me on the Dr. Phil Show

Here is the deal! I am a coach/real estate trainer that is passionate about getting our kids healthier! I coach newer real estate agents and have been on Facebook for about a year I am sure you could tell me the exact date! LOL

My coaching clients were asking me what is Twitter and I didnt know. Since I coach newer real estate agents and I know this has nothing to do with my blog other than that are a lot of newer Realtors that are moms, I wanted to go in there as an unknown. Not as a 20 year veteran of real estate, not as a top real estate coach for the last 5 years, so I promoted Lifemax and got 4000 followers in less than 90 days by conversation not content.

With that being said, Dr. Phil was looking for peeps on Twitter that were in the LA area hmmm that would be me so I filled out the form and the producers called me the next day!

The taping was so much fun, what a production that was. I got to meet Robin his wife too and she is just as sweet in person as she is on TV. His staff was amazing and being on the Paramount studio was quite a treat!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mila compared to other Chia products: All Chia is not created equal

Mila compared to other Chia products: All Chia is not created equal. It
matters where it is grown, the altitude, the rainfall, the climate, soil, etc. Mila is the only Chia product providing a blend of seeds, each grown in the most nutritious areas of the world. No one strain on Chia offers high amounts of all of the nutrients - Omega 3s, antioxidants, phytonutrients, fiber and protein. By creating this blend of seeds, grown in multiple countries, you are ensured that Mila offers the highest amount of each vital nutrient. No other Chia on the market provides this quality. Equally, our seeds are sliced through a patented process available only to Lifemax, developed by Dr. Wayne Coates, “The Father of Chia”, who works exclusively for Lifemax. Slicing makes the nutrients more bio-available.

Grinding actually damages the oil in the seed. Dr. Coates is responsible for having planted every commercial crop available today. He knows personally which locations are the best and which seeds are the most nutritious. All other brands available on the market today did not meet his standards for quality. No other company on the market today guarantees the nutrition provided in their seed through outside independent laboratory testing. No other company offers the blend and slicing and thereby the nutrition and bio-availability provided by Lifemax. If you want to
put the best-available quality into your body, Mila by Lifemax is the only choice.

When comparing brands, ask the other companies for the proof of outside laboratory
testing, verifying that their seed has been tested for quality, nutritional content and cleanliness. They cannot provide it. It matters who you trust and what you put into your body. Trust the only company paying to have the outside testing and nutritional quality verified. Trust Lifemax.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fish oils (Omega 3's) are the best defense against heart disease

Written by Adrian Wozniak

Fish and omega-3 fish oils are the most powerful defenses against heart disease – and they can help prevent a fatal heart attack in people with existing heart problems, even if they’ve had one attack already.

Eating oily fish such as salmon, sardine, trout and herring, and supplementing with omega-3 oils, can dramatically reduce your risk of developing a range of heart problems, such as atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, heart attack, and cardiac failure.

And if you have had a heart attack, you reduce your risk of second one by 30 per cent by increasing your fish oil intake.

These findings are based on a major review of previous studies going back 30 years. Head researcher Carl Lavie, of Oschner Medical Center in New Orleans, recommends that healthy people consume 500 mg of omega-3 fish oils, which contain EPA and DHA, every day, while those with an existing heart problem should double their daily intake to 1000 mg.

With this being studied and known, for those that hate taking fish oil supplements or are allegic to fish or a vegetarian (wow that was bad english oh well) MILA is a perfect blend of chia to give you the highest dose of Omega 3's you can find from a plant source. You can order on www.lifemaxtammy.com, come in as a preferred customer and save $5 (hey it is $5 that is a Starbucks :) Thanks for your interest Tammy